Here are some pretty easy ideas to be kind to Mother Earth...
1 Place spare reusable bags in your car for groceries you purchase. 2 Bring a reusable water bottle with you instead of plastic. 3 Use stainless steel containers/mugs instead of plastic cups. 4 Carry glass, paper, or stainless steel straws in your car or your purse. 5 Tell your waiter "No straws please" at restaurants. 6 Use reusable bags instead of produce bags when buying fruits and vegetables. 7 Replace plastic food storage containers with stainless steel. 8 Avoid microbeads in face scrub, body wash, and toothpaste. 9 Buy products with less plastic packaging. 10 Support businesses that are pursuing sustainability. KleanKanteen #kleankanteen ChicoBag #chicobag Aardvark Paper Drinking Straws #aardvarkstraws Simply Straws #simplystraws #plasticpollution